Shirt: Thrifted/ Necklace: Forever 21/ Necklace: Thrifted/ Shorts: Ross/ Belt: Rue 21/ Bracelets: Home-made/ Shoes: Wet Seal/
This is what I wore today to go shopping! ^.^ I love shopping it always puts me in such a better mood. I bought some really cute stuff that I will soon be posting on here! I went to Kohls today, they have such great sales! But I won't say exactly what I got because you will see it all soon enough.
I also think my blog may have been hacked so hopefully not but be ready if suddenly I change urls or something.
Lately all I've been wanting to go shopping everyday! So I finally got some of that crazy shopping energy out. I have been so busy hanging out with my friends that I haven't had much time or money for shopping. I have honestly applied for so many jobs lately and I still haven't got an interview. But one thing is I refuse to apply for fast food restaurants, where all my friends are getting jobs, so that may be part of it. It's hard getting jobs at 16 with no job experience when there are adults applying for the same job with a ton of work experience. I wanna work somewhere where I don't have to be very social, because when I first meet people I'm very shy. It sucks. So I applied at Petco as a grooming assistant, which seems perfect. My actual job I really want is working at my mom's work! She works at a dermatology and spa place, I don't have interest in medicine but I really like all the people that work there. But the doctors always hire their own children so I never can get the job. :(
Well comment/email/tweet me if you like. ^.^
great look and great blog you have, check mine if you like.
I love that shirt!